"You all are nonphysical, spiritual beings that are free, creative, unlimited and expressive."
A message for lightworkers
We are with you again dear ones in this time of change, awakening and upheaval of your earthly plane. This message will benefit all, but we would like to address those of you who have chosen the path of awakening and serving others in particular. The term lightworker is used for those who have made pre-incarnational agreements to be of service to the collective in bringing light, serving your earthly family and being a way shower. This task is a joyous one but it is not without challenges. You all incarnate in physical bodies that are truly alien and foreign to your true nature. You all are nonphysical, spiritual beings that are free, creative, unlimited and expressive. The larger part of your being is still, and always is, experiencing that. The part of yourself that you have elected to experience physicality and the accompanying amnesia is experiencing extreme limitation in the vehicles you know of as your bodies. A lightworker is someone who agrees to undertake these limitations and challenges, to first awaken themselves in the dream and then to help, assist and illuminate others on their path.
"You all have the divine creative spark of the ONE within you and you have developed certain niches and specialities that manifest as your true passions and that which you find viscerally exciting"
The journey into separation and density is a challenging one for all who make it but it can be especially challenging for those who may not have necessarily needed to incarnate again for karmic reasons. There are those who have made this journey many times in the physical dream. They have reached certain levels of mastery in different areas and they choose to incarnate at very key times in your planets development to reawaken their mastery and to become of service to humanity again. We are not saying that if you identify as a lightworker that you do not have lessons that you need to learn, a lot of times you will have even more so. What we are saying is that you came with a specific mission and set of skills with which to assist, and your focus should be solely on your individual passions and strengths. You all have the divine creative spark of the ONE within you and you have developed certain niches and specialities that manifest as your true passions and that which you find viscerally exciting. Lightworkers and everyone else should, if you want to experience joy, focus on their unique talents, strengths and individual gifts. We assure you that every one of you have these gifts for the world and are just in the process of remembering so.

"But we want to share with you that actually some of your greatest teachers and some of the wisest beings sleep on your streets or are confined in institutions or are ravaged with the effects of substance abuse."
Hidden knowledge
As we have said before, the body is a focusing device for consciousness to experience itself. When used to focus on your strengths and passions you will experience joy, abundance and growth. When it is used to focus on limitations, lack and fear you will experience illness, suffering and contraction. There is a fine line in your society between genius and insanity. This is because at the leading edge of creation the tipping point can fall one way or the other depending on an individual’s focus and grounding. Many of the people you title as insane or have psychological issues and many of your homeless and addicts are beings who come here with great gifts and many masteries that may be misunderstood. They have fallen by the wayside on this tight rope of experience. These people may be viewed negatively and with judgement by your society because of their seeming erratic behaviour. But we want to share with you that actually some of your greatest teachers and some of the wisest beings sleep on your streets or are confined in institutions or are ravaged with the effects of substance abuse. A lot of these beings come with lofty ideals and intentions with great plans for assisting humanity, but they succumb to the temptations and extreme pressures that your society imposes on those who are different. Your separation soaked society shuns any radical or different way of being and divides people from birth to school to work to social and economic hierarchies. The system has been very successful in dividing your peoples, even more in an attempt to conquer and disempower you.
"Conditions like autism, bipolar, ADHD and Down syndrome are seen widely as limitations within the human realm"
An alternative look at modern conditions
Like the addicts and the ‘psychologically challenged’ that your science society has deemed outcasts, there are also modern ‘diseases’ and conditions that you deem as limitations that are actually signs of humanities upgrading and expansion and consciousness. Conditions like autism, bipolar, ADHD and Down syndrome are seen widely as limitations within the human realm. We are sharing with you knowledge and wisdom beyond that which you can perceive from your current perspective, and we can see divine inherent magnificence in each and every one of you. A lot of the things you see as limitations we see as magnificent gifts and wonderful opportunities for growth and expansion and becoming aware of your Godself within. Your medical business, for that is what it has now become, has flourished and profited greatly by classifying, identifying and creating increasing numbers of ‘diseases’ and ‘conditions’ that it can 'solve' with drugs. New souls are being born with different abilities and wholly different ways of being. The rigid societal systems and powers that be, want to control, separate and medicate those who stand out, for they pose a great threat to the toxic status quo that they thrive on.

"Before you medicate, subjugate and dull and the spark in those with conditions you don’t understand, listen and learn from them."
Look Deeper
Now we are not saying that every homeless person or addict are Buddhas in disguise or that every new disease or mental issue is a lightworker in turmoil but many, many are. Ultimately you are all gods in denial and everyone is playing their individual and unique roles in this journey. What we are saying is, do not so quickly dismiss the apparent crazy wisdom of the drunk or homeless, do not be so quick to identify, classify and limit your children who don’t fit in or conform. If you do you can be robbing humanity of some of its greatest teachers. Before you medicate, subjugate and dull and the spark in those with conditions you don’t understand, listen and learn from them. Adapt your systems of learning and societal norms and you may find the change makers and inspirations in what may seem as the most unlikely places.
"You wanted to be a light in the darkness and you wanted to change it from the inside out. You will never give yourself an experience or situation that you cannot handle and all is for your individual growth and soul expansion"
God Within
We share these points with all of you and particularly those who identify as lightworkers or starseeds now, as some of you are facing great challenges. You have come with sublime gifts but have found yourself in oppressive families, societies and systems. Know this now, you have chosen each of the challenges and situations precisely because of the limitations that they would impose. You wanted to be a light in the darkness and you wanted to change it from the inside out. You will never give yourself an experience or situation that you cannot handle and all is for your individual growth and soul expansion. You do however have free choice and if you are on that ‘fine line’ it can seem like the easier choice to step to the side of dependency on substances or fall into fear or further separation.

"You have a beautiful benevolent army of light beings behind you, ready to uplift and carry you on their wings at all times."
You are Magnificent
We know many of you are facing Titanic struggles to throw off the shackles of delusion and to follow the path of bliss. Your world is set up with toxic foods, chemicals and entertainment that limits you and sucks you into fear. These ‘options’ are designed to give you an apparent easy way out. Know that you’re supported by a band of unseen assistance that you cannot even fathom. You have a beautiful benevolent army of light beings behind you, ready to uplift and carry you on their wings at all times. You all have direct access to us and all your guides at all times. Everyone is capable of this type of channelling and communication with spirit, but many of you block it and dampen your vibration with artificial stimulants of all kinds, from drugs to coffee to TV and other limiting entertainment. Your guides, brothers and sisters on the other side are sending you communications at all times and guidance is always there but you must ASK. Free will dictates that you have to you assert your willingness to accept help and assistance. The being who this message is being transferred through has spent many years requesting and being open to help and guidance. That is why these transmissions are taking place in this way now. But you do not have to wait years, you are in a new vibrational state on your planet and as a collective. For those who are ready and following our previous guidance on purification and detoxification can receive guidance instantly.

"We see you in your true guise as formless, brilliant beautiful, boundless beings and we offer this so you can see, through our eyes, your true self."
We are with you always
Trust in your divine nature dear one, know that if you feel a calling to the light, that it is real and you can experience this immense joy and peace. Follow your hearts desires and passions, do what you love and love what you do. Meet challenges with grace and the knowing that you are eternal, indestructible divine beings of light and no matter how dark things may appear, Love is the only reality. All else is the fragmented shadows of your separation from God or all that is. We see you in your true guise as formless, brilliant, beautiful, boundless beings and we offer this so you can see, through our eyes, your true self. Here there is only love, compassion and joy and you are here with us now. It is only a matter of recovering and realising the fractured parts of you, so that others may see God in themselves through you again. We are with you always and love is forever, we are AnandA, we are your friends and teachers and we leave you in love until the next time. Om

Martin McNicholl is a speaker, intuitive and breathworker you can find out more at www.activatebreathwork.com