AnandA are a non-physical collective consciousness channeled here by Martin McNicholl
Q. How do we create and live abundant and prosperous lives in all areas?
Hello dear one we are with you again and thank you for the bringing of this question. We knew it would not be long before this type of question would arise. It is around the subject of money and abundance in general that so many of you have a skewed and what we could call un healthy relationship.
Let us first look at the concept of abundance of which money is only one very small part. Abundance is your true nature it is what you are. You create and manifest all of the time, moment by moment you create your body, your environment and apparent other people as a reflection of what is inside you. Most of what you create is unconscious to you at the moment and a lot of what you create has a time built in to the experience in the third dimension. You are in time bound bodies in a time bound realm. Your dominant thoughts words actions and beliefs create your reality around you, but there is a gap from the moment of the thought and the physical manifestation. This is by design and there are some very good reasons for this. In your current state of dysfunctional and separation based thinking a lot of you have a wild variety of mish-mashed thoughts constantly. If all of these thoughts were to manifest fully, the world would be in more chaos than you could fathom.
"Emotion is the key here, we are all one source, apparent individuations of the one. We are all on journey back home to wholeness and merging with god or source or all that is"
There is a delay system in the third dimensional realm of manifestation so that you all can create and experience growth, continuity and evolution. You want to go from a to b to c. You want to experience the plan to climb the mountain, the trek up and the experience at the top. The physical manifestations are a result of your dominant thoughts, the ones you keep repeating and that are mixed with strong emotions. Emotion is the key here, we are all one source, apparent individuations of the one. We are all on journey back home to wholeness and merging with god or source or all that is. This journey that you have undertaken in physical reality, is one of separation with an agreed amnesia of your true essence and the illusion or dream of which you are taking part. This deep journey of separation is an intense one and has many highs and lows and that is why so many choose to experience it. This journey could be, and has been a challenging one for many of you if you had not provided yourself a map or in your modern terms a GPS to lead you home. Your emotions are that map. Your emotions and feelings are the sign posts on the road back to source, your road home.
"When you look into the eyes of a baby or your lover, when you bask in the magic of nature, when you feel the heat of the sun on your skin or look at the stars at night, you know there is a deep deep part of you that is in all of it and it awakens in those moments"
Emotions will tell you in any moment if you are heading towards god or if you are heading towards separation fear and hell. We want to address this buzz word of hell which has been used to strike fear into humanity by elements that want to control and manipulate. There is no such thing or place called hell, there is no judging God, there is no burning in forever fires. You can give yourself an experience of hell, but it is always of your own creation and is nothing more than a nightmare within the current dream. Hell is thoughts and beliefs that you are separate from the whole. You are never separate from God you are gods in form rediscovering that which you are. Although you have created a very convincing dream that you are separate beings, there are moments when you can’t deny the wonder of creation staring you in the face. When you look into the eyes of a baby or your lover, when you bask in the magic of nature, when you feel heat of the sun on your skin or look at the stars at night, you know there is a deep deep part of you that is in all of it and it awakens in those moments. This is where emotions guide you home, and in these moments that we on this side of the veil are able to commune with you and love you and guide you. For the language of God is love and it needs no translation, you feel it in the pleasure of sexual energy, in the breath of the wind, the sound of the ocean. Love is all there is and you are love.
"For the language of God is love and it needs no translation, you feel it in the pleasure of sexual energy, in the breath of the wind, the sound of the ocean. Love is all there is and you are love."
The opposite of love is fear and in between the two is where humanity spend their time, playing this titanic tennis match of freedom. Your emotions will only ever be pointing in one direction or another, towards love or towards fear. It is that simple, if you are feeling worry, depression, sadness, frustration, gloominess, you are focussing on separation and fear. If you are feeling inspiration, freedom, bliss, joy and peace you are focussing on love.
We want to now address a movement that has grown momentum in the physical plane for some time now and has come from erroneous teachings and fearful thought. Fear pointing emotions are not your enemy or something to be feared as such. When you are driving your car, you are not fearful of sign posts along the road. These are just guidance for you to get on the path home again. On your planet there has been a group of well-meaning teachers who have encouraged you to only focus on light, to only focus on the positive thoughts and deny the existence of the darkness or your shadows or in other words wrong thinking. As with all things this is neither bad or good, positive or negative it is just counter to what you really want ultimately. There is no judgement or punishment other than that which you create yourselves. You want to rediscover who you are and re-member yourself. In this experience of separation you all have ventured into all avenues of experience. You are given full free reign to dive into any and all experiences that this wonderful world of yours can provide.
"You are powerful free creators and you are part of this whole you call humanity and it is a reflection of your internal vision of yourself."
This freedom, intentional insomnia and separation thinking you all have undertaken has led to many of what you mostly consider the darkest elements of humanity. The murder, torture, abuse, war and all the fear based actions of lost souls have been so prevalent and dominant on your planet for some time. Again there is no judgement or right or wrong in any of this, it is all divine freedom of creation. What we want to make clear is that humanity is a collective consciousness, as we are and the actions of one are the actions of the whole. Although you cannot see this from your current level of perception EVERYTHING you see in the world is a part of you. You cannot lay claim only to the light for you came here to experience it all. In the dualistic reality you have chosen you cannot have light without dark, there is no up without out down there is no positive without negative. You are powerful free creators and you are part of this whole you call humanity and it is a reflection of your internal vision of yourself.
"The deepest darkest elements of humanity are being unsurfaced unearthed and illuminated now for you all to see."
This process called shadow work is very important on your planet at this time and you can see this playing out on your world stage. The deepest darkest elements of humanity are being unsurfaced unearthed and illuminated now for you all to see. We want to say that this is only the beginning and the tip of the iceberg if you will. We do not share this to promote fear or more suffering, only words of observation from your brothers and sisters who can see the whole and the divine perfection that it is. So as humanity re-awakens and sees itself clearly again, your mission if we could call it that, is to be a light in the darkness. To own accept illuminate and transmute the thinking in your personal experience that leads to murder, war abuse and torture. You should know that one hateful or judgmental thought about yourself or another plays out on the world scale as war. One abusive thought about yourself or another leads to the abuse of many around the world. The abuse of your body with toxic food and toxic entertainment is a microcosm of the macrocosm. You decide in every moment how your world and your reality will look and feel. You are that powerful, even though you don’t feel it or know it in this current state.
Use your emotions now to uncover the fear based thoughts and words and actions within you that are leading to your chaotic lives and world. Do not reject or push away fear or that which is part of you, albeit in an illusory dream. For ultimately this is all a dream and love is the only reality. Within this dream you are creating experiences so that you may know yourself, ALL of yourself and the process of avoiding the shadows will lead to an eternal nightmare. Shine your light of awareness on the parts of you that you have hidden and suppressed and fought against. Accept and appreciate all of it and you will become whole again and the world you see will transform before your eyes.
This process of abundance and freedom and creation is happening all of the time and when you do your shadow work and uncover your fear based beliefs around money, power and control you can begin to really live as the God’s in form that you are. You will begin to shorten the gap between manifesting all that you desire and your self work will require less and less focus on your shadows when you integrate them fully.
"Abundance is the very nature of reality and creation, it is unlimited boundless and free. You have the ability to manifest anything that you desire within the framework or blue print of what you agreed to come here to experience."
Abundance is the very nature of reality and creation, it is unlimited boundless and free. You have the ability to manifest anything that you desire within the framework or blue print of what you agreed to come here to experience. Over time many erroneous beliefs have been propagated and your society is built on a belief in lack and separation. The belief that there is not enough for everyone. The results of these beliefs are clear to see with the inequality and huge gaps in the experience of rich and poor. We want to state here that we share this with you not to sink you further into despair but to empower you. We know from your perspective that it seems like a huge task to change the ‘wrongs’ of the world. We are here to tell you that the only world you need to change is your own and this is the only thing you ever can change.
"Your mini world will transform, enlighten and awaken the wider world and the power of source is back in your hands, even though it never really left."
You create your reality, and the thoughts words and actions you have in your daily lives are what makes up that reality. Your emotions tell you if you are on the road to your loving home or a fearful nightmare. Use this perfect system as it was meant, to create a life of love, acceptance, freedom and joy. Use your attention in every moment to how you feel to create that which you desire. In the moment a negative emotion arises, explore it, own it and accept it then move on your road home again. The moment you start to practice this your world will transform and you will feel it and see it instantly. Your mini world will transform, enlighten and awaken the wider world and the power of source is back in your hands, even though it never really left.
"Awaken as the goddesses and gods that you are. Take back that which is yours and free the abundant and limitless possibilities of your soul"
We know this has been a sobering and possibly shocking revelation for some of you but this a great time of transformation in which you find yourself and has within it many facets of the totality which is you. We share this information as guidance from an expanded view point that you are currently not aware of. This is why we are here and it is a joyful exciting and monumental awakening of which we are all a part. Take this information and meditate on it and use this wonderful gift of self-reflection that you have, to discover your magnificence again. Awaken as the goddesses and gods that you are. Take back that which is yours and free the abundant and limitless possibilities of your soul. You are magnificent beings of light that radiate throughout creation, all that you see is a reflection of that light and all is perfect all is oneness all is the isness. We are with you on this journey fully, and along with countless others are here to answer your prayers, to guide your weary hearts to uplift your souls. Ask for help and it is given, ask for freedom and it is already yours. Reach out to your guides, put faith in your higher selves and mostly have faith in you, for we are you, you are all, and we are one.
"You are magnificent beings of light that radiate throughout creation, all that you see is a reflection of that light and all is perfect all is oneness all is the isness."
We are AnandA, we are your friends we teach with love we accept with compassion and leave you in loving kindness until next time. Om

Martin Mcnicholl is a speaker, intuitive channel and breathworker you can find out more at