Hello dear one we are with you again. It is with great joy that we return to speak with you and through you in this way to assist in this wonderful journey you and your brothers and sisters of earth are undertaking. At this time we want to share with you about a subject that is the greatest challenge for every soul on your planet. It is the cause of so much suffering, tension, war, hunger, violence and pain on your planet and to a large degree it is the doorway by which you are manipulated and controlled. This doorway or weak link in your makeup is known to you as the ego or the separation based mind. This is the Illusory part of you that believes that’s it is all alone in a separate and fearful world. This separation device has become so successful in creating divisive and destructive tendencies that humanity is its slave and makes an easy target for elements that seek to control, subjugate, direct and cajole you in to fear.

"The ego’s function has been largely lost, twisted and reformed to make it the way in which humans become their own captors, their own prison wardens if you will"
The Ego
The ego mind is one of the most misunderstood elements of your experience and it is not your enemy that you need to banish or fight. It is a part of you, that when used for its rightful purpose allows you to experience physicality in a beautiful, balanced way. The ego was designed to allow you, as a spiritual being to be in the world in a safe, creative and practical way. The ego’s function has been largely lost, twisted and reformed to make it the way in which humans become their own captors, their own prison wardens if you will. It has pitted race against race, the battle of the sexes and created imaginary dividing lines you call countries and boundaries. It has allowed you to be divided and conquered by a seeming invisible hand. This Trojan horse in the human makeup has been taken advantage of by elements that feed on fear for their sustenance and own agenda.

"The wonder of nature, the reverence and joy for life and connection to source or spirit has been replaced by your God’s of money, materialism, distorted sexuality, commercialism and private, plastic, pity filled lives."
Western Egociety
Your society in what you ironically call civilised, developed and based mostly on western thought, is ego controlled, fear driven and lack based reality. The wonder of nature, the reverence and joy for life and connection to source or spirit has been replaced by your God’s of money, materialism, distorted sexuality, commercialism and private, plastic, pity filled lives. People are more and more confined to little boxes called homes in crowded, stressful, noisy metropolis. The ego drives you through this constant search for more and the illusory lack based system of capitalism which benefits a small few and enslaves the rest. The power of this system lies in the delusion that people can ‘succeed’ It allows a few to experience just enough ‘progress’, just enough to keep them on this never-ending wheel of seeking for something or someone outside of themselves. This system has been so ingrained and fed to you through media, advertising and smoke and mirrors that you cannot see any other way.

"Many of these systems have actually already failed now but are on an illusory life support to hide the truth from you again"
Great Change
We are here to share with you dear ones that not only is there another way, it is inevitable. The rigid systems of the ego world of finance, religion, scarcity based fear, and reliance on harmful, toxic, human distorted resources of your wonderful planet mother Gaia are collapsing, their days are numbered. Many of these systems have actually already failed now but are on an illusory life support to hide the truth from you again. These great changes are truly needed and balance will be the result of these movements
"There is a new earth rising, you are rising with the planet into a new vibration, a new space, you are moving into the heart and a place of love."
Many of you are heavily invested energetically in this world of form, apparent freedom and transition of your planet and its hierarchical systems. We share this information as a preparation for all of you, not to engender more fear but to empower, enliven and enlighten you. Those who are not prepared for these shifts will experience great suffering as this plastic paper thin puppet show implodes. Dear ones it does not have to be this way. There is a new earth rising, you are rising with the planet into a new vibration, a new space, you are moving into the heart and a place of love.

"Turn to nature, rediscover the wonder of the night sky, for you are not alone and never have been or never can be. You are eternal spiritual beings that are unlimited and free no matter how it seems."
Look Within
It is important at this time to look within and find the divine inside. The ego based world is founded on seeking value and love in materials and elements outside of you. It is time to invest in yourselves, you do not need anyone or anything external to thrive, prosper, connect and awaken. Turn away from your media, TV, news and entertainment that is a slight of hand of the desperate magician using their last trick. Turn to nature, rediscover the wonder of the night sky, for you are not alone and never have been or never can be. You are eternal spiritual beings that are unlimited and free no matter how it seems. The power of life itself is within each of you. Every breath you take can be one of gratitude of this miracle of creation that you all are. The breath is your bridge home and it is one of the greatest gifts of God.

"Express yourself in any way you find joy! Turn off your phones and computers and follow your childhood dreams and imagination'
Oh the joy we feel when we see you in moments of inspiration, creativity and love. It is in the simple expression of a song or dance, art or creation that you light the spark within that shall wake you from your slumber. Each of you have these wonderful unique gifts and expressions to offer the world and they are always awaiting your activation. Express yourself in any way you find joy! Turn off your phones and computers and follow your childhood dreams and imagination. We are here with many others ready and willing to assist, uplift and join you in your bliss, all you must do is ask.

"This path will never be free of challenges for that is why you are here, but if you take our outstretched hands of freedom you will meet all things with open eyes, open hearts and the knowing that you are an eternal, unshakable perfect being of light that is loved beyond measure and held beyond words."
The New Earths
This is a monumental time on your planet and unique in human history. You are at a fork in the road and as always you have free will and endless choice. We share this with you now, as more than ever your choices in this moment will shape very quickly the world you see. There are multiple diverging timelines of reality and you can choose the way you will express this magnificent shift. If you choose the way of fear, war, lack separation and the world the ego has created you will seemingly stay in the same place you have been, but what is happening is that you are on a sinking ship, that until the last moment will look like the wonders and luxury of the titanic. If you choose the path of love, the path of the Godself within, the path of unity of everyone and everything you will awaken to this wonder filled, expansive, empowering truth of who and what you really are. This path will never be free of challenges for that is why you are here, but if you take our outstretched hands of freedom you will meet all things with open eyes, open hearts and the knowing that you are an eternal, unshakable perfect being of light that is loved beyond measure and held beyond words.

"We love you all unconditionally and it is our purpose and mission to share this love joy and bliss with you, for it is in giving you receive and there is no end to infinity"
Homeward Bound
Fear not dear ones for the choices you make one way or the other matter not, there is no judgement or retribution other than your own, there is only one magnificent journey with endless roads home. We love you all unconditionally and it is our purpose and mission to share this love joy and bliss with you, for it is in giving you receive and there is no end to infinity. We are AnandA, we are your friends and teachers and we are with you always, we will speak to you again soon. Om