Sometimes I wake up very early and have a question on my heart, sometimes I write that question and recieve an answer, today was one of those days. Here you can read what appeared.
Martin Question-
What’s my next steps?
Answer -
The next step is always the same. It is only a matter of following what appears in your now, and flowing with what naturally occurs. It looks like you are making decisions, however you are only exploring already existing options, which are unlimited. So certain themes, patterns and cycles will appear and re-appear and you, as the awareness, navigate these however you like.
The question you are really asking is -
How to be at peace?
How can I feel satisfaction with what is?
The old way of being is, you would take a step or action that you believe will benefit you or make you feel better. The challenge is that this sometimes works temporarily but never becomes permanent. Therefore, there is always a cycle of discomfort, seeking then action for relief.
If you really want the next step, make it the last step. Step fully into the unknown and leave behind the one who suffers discomfort and endless desire. When you desire nothing, you experience everything instantly. When you desire something, you have nothing and experience it without satisfaction. The desire for change, more or the next step is a trap. The coming of spring is not born from the desire of winter. Spring comes whether it's wanted, desired, looked for or looked at. Life is and you are life.
The natural evolution and flow of life is self-sustaining and doesn't need your momentum or neurosis. It does not need you, however, you are part of it, and when you allow yourself to become aware of this, it is so simple and all things are added unto you because they were never subtracted. It was only the false idea of doer and ownership that held you apart mentally from what you are always a part of intrinsically.
Individual will is the trap of the ego. It is so seductive, especially when it sees some power or special abilities of creation. Know that there is no absolute wrong or right, there is no harm in following the natural unfolding creation. Action will always flow within this dimension. It is only one's consciousness of one's true source that delivers one's own peace.
If you were a wave on the ocean, you wouldn’t try to own the other waves and direct the flow. You're just waving continuously. You are unique, and no other waves are exactly the same. You have unique characteristics for the moment, then you merge again into the ocean. You can jump, spray, go high, low, in, out, up and down, but you are being moved not ‘doing’ the moving.
This is not a prescription for idleness or laziness. It's not a bypass or victimhood. It is a re-identification as the source of action and the realization of the temporary nature of changing forms. When action occurs, let it occur and be it fully, just know that it is the effect of a vast endless cause that is unchanging, and then you can enjoy and no longer endure change.
Let this desire move the body, let grace be your face. Let Source birth life, and you enjoy the ride. There is nothing ‘wrong’ with desire. It simply opens doors to rooms in your own house you have not seen yet. Just remember that God is in all your GOoD. God is all the mansions of the kingdom, and you get to live and explore all of them freely.
Let desire take you higher in consciousness of the infinite all-providing, already existing wholeness. When longing comes, let it be there and it won't be here long. Whenever you are moved to action, know you are being moved. When you are moved to stillness, you know you are being moved by that which never moves, never comes, never goes, never was born nor never dies.
All desire and aversion is born and dies in this, and this is bliss and so it is.
Pre-Dawn Soul Songs
Martin McNicholl
Ma’At AnandA
Friday 12th January 2024
Martin McNicholl Ma'At AnandA is a mystic, channel, author and breathworker who shows spiritual seekers who are sick of searching how to finaly start living life again.