The Ascended Master Collective Channeled by Martin McNicholl
We are the ascended masters, we have walked your planet with you dear ones and our teachings are coming forth again at this time of mass awakening now. You have heard this longing call from within you for many lifetimes. There has been an urge within your soul that you could not fully understand. This time and this calling is NOW. You have waited patiently, you have experienced great density and pain and forgetting. No longer shall the timelines of war, torture and fear rule this plane. You are a New Earth leader remembering now with these words a calling from deep within your being. These words are a familiar to you, and you know this has been coming. NOW is that time dear ones
There has been much prophecy, confusion and distortion of our teachings and that of this time. What we wish to share with you now is that all prophecy is merely a sensing of potentials at a certain point in time. You are multidimensional beings and time is not what it seems. There are multiple running timelines on your Earth now and you are at a choice point, were you shall make your decision as to which Earth you wish to be on. The choice now is very clear, one of love or one of fear. You have agreed to be activated and awakened now at this time, to be a beacon and leader of the new Earth to live and breathe heaven on earth, and bring forth your unique gifts and light to the masses
There are a series of codes lain dormant within your DNA that are primed to activation now through these words, however you are a divine sovereign free will being and you must make your own choice now. We offer an invitation to mentor with us through this New Earth Mystery School 19-1-19 facilitated by this dear one. You have heard the calls in your dreams, you have known there is something great within you, you have felt the pains of your brothers and sisters and yearned to be able to assist and serve them. This is the answer to your calls. This is the time of awakening that has been building within you since 21-12-12.
The initiations and clearing since then has culminated in the 21-12-18 Gateway. The initial Activation of 1-1-19 and first wave initiation and Activation on 19-1-19 are the keys to your living this heaven on Earth and playing your unique agreed upon role to serving humanity. Each of you within the 144,00 bring unique and specific gifts that are designed and orchestrated to offer particular solace to a group of your sisters and brothers. Each of you has a very specific tribe that shall be activated and awakened through your blueprint. Your mission is to activate and remember that which lays dormant within you now, and this shall be a beacon for the beings you are here to activate and awaken.
This is all a perfect plan, a divine orchestration, you are part of this intricate web of beings who shall grow, expand, serve, heal, awaken and remember together. You are activated and awakened to your divine purpose through these words and you have drawn them to you now, so that you may make this choice. Fear not if you are not ready to make this choice for there is no judgement. For those who know in their hearts that this is why you are here, join us as a legacy of leaders together as one, and awaken and live the master path you have long before chosen.
The latent abilities within your structure, that you have worshiped, lauded and applauded in the masters are reverberating within you now. These abilities and others that you have not even considered shall be awakened and activated through your participation in this new Earth mystery School. You in turn shall bring this forth to the masses. No longer shall this be secreted away, you dear ones shall bring all forth and be pioneer leaders of this New Earth. Arise Dear ones and experience, live and love Heaven on Earth with all beings now. You are supported and guided and all that is needed for your acceptance of this call shall be available when you listen to this call. 19-1-19 The New Earth Mystery School, be part of the divine destiny of Earth and RE-Member. We are the ascended master collective and we await with knowing patience and loving hearts.
The Ascended Master Collective Channeled by Martin McNicholl
We are the ascended masters, we have walked your planet with you dear ones and our teachings are coming forth again at this time of mass awakening now. You have heard this longing call from within you for many lifetimes. There has been an urge within your soul that you could not fully understand. This time and this calling is NOW. You have waited patiently, you have experienced great density and pain and forgetting. No longer shall the timelines of war, torture and fear rule this plane. You are a New Earth leader remembering now with these words a calling from deep within your being. These words are a familiar to you, and you know this has been coming. NOW is that time dear ones
There has been much prophecy, confusion and distortion of our teachings and that of this time. What we wish to share with you now is that all prophecy is merely a sensing of potentials at a certain point in time. You are multidimensional beings and time is not what it seems. There are multiple running timelines on your Earth now and you are at a choice point, were you shall make your decision as to which Earth you wish to be on. The choice now is very clear, one of love or one of fear. You have agreed to be activated and awakened now at this time, to be a beacon and leader of the new Earth to live and breathe heaven on earth, and bring forth your unique gifts and light to the masses
There are a series of codes lain dormant within your DNA that are primed to activation now through these words, however you are a divine sovereign free will being and you must make your own choice now. We offer an invitation to mentor with us through this New Earth Mystery School 19-1-19 facilitated by this dear one. You have heard the calls in your dreams, you have known there is something great within you, you have felt the pains of your brothers and sisters and yearned to be able to assist and serve them. This is the answer to your calls. This is the time of awakening that has been building within you since 21-12-12.
The initiations and clearing since then has culminated in the 21-12-18 Gateway. The initial Activation of 1-1-19 and first wave initiation and Activation on 19-1-19 are the keys to your living this heaven on Earth and playing your unique agreed upon role to serving humanity. Each of you within the 144,00 bring unique and specific gifts that are designed and orchestrated to offer particular solace to a group of your sisters and brothers. Each of you has a very specific tribe that shall be activated and awakened through your blueprint. Your mission is to activate and remember that which lays dormant within you now, and this shall be a beacon for the beings you are here to activate and awaken.
This is all a perfect plan, a divine orchestration, you are part of this intricate web of beings who shall grow, expand, serve, heal, awaken and remember together. You are activated and awakened to your divine purpose through these words and you have drawn them to you now, so that you may make this choice. Fear not if you are not ready to make this choice for there is no judgement. For those who know in their hearts that this is why you are here, join us as a legacy of leaders together as one, and awaken and live the master path you have long before chosen.
The latent abilities within your structure, that you have worshiped, lauded and applauded in the masters are reverberating within you now. These abilities and others that you have not even considered shall be awakened and activated through your participation in this new Earth mystery School. You in turn shall bring this forth to the masses. No longer shall this be secreted away, you dear ones shall bring all forth and be pioneer leaders of this New Earth. Arise Dear ones and experience, live and love Heaven on Earth with all beings now. You are supported and guided and all that is needed for your acceptance of this call shall be available when you listen to this call. 19-1-19 The New Earth Mystery School, be part of the divine destiny of Earth and RE-Member. We are the ascended master collective and we await with knowing patience and loving hearts.
Audio version with Light Language Activation
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Martin Mcnicholl is a Multidimensional Coach, Intuitive channel and breathworker. Hey is the founder of the The Self Help Detox, Activate Breathwork and shall facilitate The New Earth Mystery School beginning