That which you behold is held in place by your BEing, and by your being where you are. All of your reality that you assume to be stable and dependable comes into being through your awareness and attention. This is why it is so important to be conscious about what you do, how you spend your time, and what you pay attention to. You are continuously investing in one way or another in the reality dream you are witnessing. It is given its value by you, and the shared reality is much more subjective and fluid than you can hold in your individual mind. All of the beings of humanity experience an individual dream based on their vibrational state and this is ever changing and shifting. This is why two people can view the same event and give wildly different experiences of the supposed same event.
So remember that your dream is truly unique to you and actually is projected from you, not delivered to you. All others project their own dream onto the blank canvas of consciousness and where there is a confluence of vibration you may share experiences, yet they are not the same. Energetic interactions will always be viewed through the lens of the individual and their chosen life path pattern and blueprint. So it is important to bless the moments of your life with gratitude, for you are giving birth to them every moment.
Judge not the mirror of your reality or try to clean the mirror of another. Bless and welcome the reflection of life and if you have a preference on what is arising, become the source of a shift internally rather than trying fruitlessly to change the effect reflected in the mirror. Shift instantly to that state of being within now, and have no hold or hope on the way that it may play out on screen.
RE-Source yourself, for it is all within you. As this physical dream is constantly flowing and in flux the reflections can seem erratic, yet they have a filter and therefore a delay of time superimposed over them to create the illusion. Yet if you continuously choose the preferred state of being no matter what you see as a temporary appearance, it will and must reflect eventually. Again do not base your reality on reflections, they are only after or side-effects.
If you choose the state of peace it is instantly activated.
If you choose the state of power it is available right away
If you choose the state of being prosperous now internally, It is instantly so.
The key is to take your attention off the perceived outcome, and this is true prayer - An affirmation of what is so, not an asking for what is not.
Pray peace, not for peace and you shall have it
Pray prosperity, not for it, and it is so.
Pray power, not seeking for it, and it is alive now.
This is very simple yet you can make it seem as if its not easy.
Simplicity is sacred
Complexity is Carnal.
Be today what you wish to see tomorrow.
Feel what appears as missing is already here, and you have found your mission. Focus on what you have and do not waste your sacred attention trying to find what you have not. Appreciate what is so and allow it to grow.
Pour out peace until it overflows into every moment and floods the floors, the feelings and fears fully.
Give thanks to the banks of bountiful abundance within you now and you make instant withdrawals from the infinite field of plenty now.
Present power and presence purposefully and prepare a place for perfection to present itself perfectly in perpetuity.
Have fun with this life, you only live once… and it's forever. Choose and use your attention, presence and awareness with wisdom and don't take yourself too seriously. Make of this life what you will and you WILL.
With great love and gratitude it is done, so be it and so you are, and so it is
Morning Sacred Soul Sessions
Martin Ma’At AnandA