Are you ready to feel true Freedom?
Body mind and Soul
Your true essense
Is freedom
You dont have to 'die' to experience oneness
Your Lightbody
of Your Divine Vessel
The wisdom is inside You
Calling to...
144,000 Lightworkers
You are coming from Light
Its time
yOUR way
New Earth Leaders
Time to Lead yourself
Spiritual Seekers
You are what you're seeking
Higher Self Innerversity
- The Journey...
When I first started my transformational journey I was sick with multiple health issues, I had a string of painful failed relationships and had no direction, purpose or meaning in my life.
When I ended up in hospital for the second time with alcohol related liver problems, I knew I had to make a change. So I took the first step and that led me on a journey that I could never have imagined.
This journey has taken me all over the world from the Jungles of Peru, to the Himalayas in India, to the deepest darkest parts of my soul and back again.
I have trained and studied with many master teachers, read hundreds of books and taken endless courses and practices to find my truth.
What I eventually found is that the TRUTH IS WITHIN, its hidden behind the walls of your heart and our mission here is to let that out.
This programme will show you how to Activate That master within YOU. It does not aim to teach you anything really, it actually allows you to remember what you have forgotten. This programme gives you all the tools to turn on that genius that already exists and to live the life you were truly meant to.
I was over weight, single, a functional alcoholic in my early 30's and dropped in and out of depression and a destructive boom and bust lifestyle. I had run away to a new country at the other side of the world to escape my problems and found that those problems got on every plane train or automobile I entered.
My insides were feeling the effects of nearly 20 years of toxic physical, mental and emotional self abuse. After an embarrassing physical exam in a hospital in front of my shocked and slightly worried new girlfriend I knew I needed to do something different.
I decided to change my diet and cut down the toxins and get fit and strong. My goal to was to get a six on the outside instead of the dozens of them on the inside. So over a few years with some trial and error and dedication I did it! I could see those abs underneath, and then what?...
I was still unhappy, I looked better and superficially felt better on the outside but there was an emptiness and loneliness inside that could never be trained out. I had another string of painful breakups in my turbulent on off love life and knew that I'd taken a step in the right direction but there has to be something more. But what was it? Have you felt this? I realise now I felt it in some form all of my life and knew there was a deeper answer I had to find.
Its yOUR Time Now
I got the body I thought I wanted, and still I felt unworthy, unhappy and still self medicated through anything outside of myself I could get.
So I decided that If I could fix my mind that was telling a different story than my body was I would have cracked it! So I began ferociously consuming every self help and personal development teaching I could find, From Think and Grow Rich to How to win Friends and Influence people, to the four hour work week to the Secret. I learned about affirmations, and law of attraction, positive mindset and how to think all your problems away by looking in the other direction.
I had great benefits from all of these teaching and it actually gave me some great success in working with my mind, attracting the things I wanted and going a level deeper into my being. But again, eventually this wore off and I didn't felt worse at times. I blamed myself for attracting all the pain into my life! My relationships were still suffering, I still was using Alcohol, and material things to fill a gap that seemed forever widening.
I had mastered my mind to a degree but there was another level that apparently needed another painful experience to uncover...
Growing up in Northern Ireland in the early 80's and 90's through the troubles and violence that used religion as the dividing line, I had rejected anything to do with Spirituality or that scary word GOD.
I was very closed minded and skeptical about most things and most people for that matter. I had opened my consciousness a little through leaving home travelling alone, but I was still full judgement and had an inner distrust and fear.
Then one day a gifted and connected lady, to whom I am forever grateful gave me a gift that changed everything! She Gave me a book called the Power of now by Eckhart Tolle. When I read the first couple of pages of that book on Easter Sunday in Southern Spain, something huge shifted in me that I still cannot fully explain with words.
I didn't understand a word that I read but my whole body started shaking and vibrating in a way I had never experienced before. It was both intense and blissful at the same time.
I felt for the first time in my life that I had been plugged in!
This moment started me on a path that has never stopped to this day, and I feel will be my path as long as I am here. I read, listened, studied, watched every spiritual master and teaching I could find and this unquenchable thirst kept propelling me deeper.
Although these teachings brought me great peace and fulfilment, this journey is and ever unfolding one and I had to feel some more pain to get to the next level...
All that you are is ready to say YES to YOU
The spiritual journey had brought me such peace, I falling in love with myself again and started truly living for the first time in my life. I still had another few pieces of the puzzle to fall into place. Even with a deep practice, I went through another turbulent and painful relationship breakup. I knew that it was time for me to fully love myself and become completely and full happy with myself by myself.
I began a rigorous and rewarding morning ritual of 3-4 hours of spiritual practice, self love and meditation before I would go to my Job. I was still doing work that didn't fulfil me and actually was quite a toxic and misaligned environment compared to my morning blissful sanctuary. What I developed in these early morning communes was such a deep sense of peace and connectedness that It didn't matter what the outside world threw at me I was balanced.
For the first time in my life I was totally at peace and happy being on my own. I knew my soul mate was waiting for me when I was ready.
What happened next was nothing short of a miraculous awakening and transformation. In a short few months I experienced a paradigm shifting awakening where I discovered breathwork for the first time.
The first time I did it I experienced such BLISS ONENESS AND UNCONDITIONAL LOVE I knew this was my reason for being here and I would share this with as many people as I could.
Overnight I DOWNLOADED and created my own modality that encompassed all of my life journey and skills in one super powerful experience. I began doing things that I didn't know how to do before. It was as if I was been guided and given everything I needed to easily and naturally.
This became Activate Breathwork which brought my soul mate to me and our little baby boy. It took me all over the world from India to Peru and has transformed and awakened so many people to the truth of who they are within.
AND WE ARE ONEThere was one more level that was waiting to be opened so that I could connect more deeply to all people and beings and levels of awareness. Over the period of three years I discovered and eventually accepted the ability to communicate with higher consciousness. I knew I was being guided by some unseen energy but I didn't know how. I let go of a lot of fears, doubts and limitations and have now opened the doorway to information healing and guidance that is beyond our world and earthly experience.
I am very blessed to be able to be a messenger for this loving, compassionate and powerful energy that helps in all of our evolutionary journeys. The Ultimate truth is that this energy IS ALL of US, we are one.
I am forever in awe and and humbly of service to this divine guidance and share, and do my best to live it in every moment I Am Able.
I feel the most important thing for us all to Be is the embodiment of our Highest calling, then the only thing left is to do is to live it and give it to all who are ready.
I want to show you how and this is the Higher Self Innerversity
- The Opportunity...
Higher Self Innerversity - Soul Mastery Live
6 week intensive journey of Mastery, Embodiment, & Innerstanding
- 22nd July - 1st September 2020
- 5 Live Main Mastery zoom calls with Higher Self Mentorship / Activations / Channeling / Q&A Saturdays
- 3 Day Soul Mastery intensive online retreat 28th, 29th 30th August (With Special Guest Guides)
- 888 Lionsgate Soul Mastery Abundance Activation Sat 8pm 8/8/20
- Private INNERversity Online commUNITY for support, inspiration and accountability
- Find, connect and share with yOUR tribe & soul family
- Live zoom Higher Self Breathwork Sessions
- Live Movement Mastery Dance Parties
- Body Mind & Soul Masterclasses With guest Guides
- Movement - Yoga, dragon dance, chair yoga with Elisangela
- High Vibrational Food masterclasses with Elisangela
Higher Self Hacks - Short practical hacks to mastery
Public group challenges
Neuroplasticity prompts
Free Bonus 1
3 months Free membership to the Higher Self Inner CommUNITY Live!
Ongoing private monthly commUNITY providing a safe space with support, inspiration and commUNITY
- 4 Live zoom calls per month
- 2 Live Inner commUNITY zoom calls with Higher Self Mentorship Activations / Channelling / Q&A Wednesdays
- 1 Live Higher Self breathwork Sessions Zoom Wednesdays
- 1 Live Higher self Movement mastery dance party Wednesdays
- Private online commUNITY
- Safe space for support, inspiration and accountability
- Celebrate, integrate and circulate
- Connect with your worldwide tribe
- Ongoing discovery, sharing and related material
Free Bonus 2
New Earth Mystery School 1,2 & Trinity
Transformational journey of RE-Membering
- Took place over three waves in one year in 2019
- Hours of channelled guidance from ascended masters and various collectives.
- Powerful transformational experience
- Activations and light language
- Shadow Work
- Breathwork
- Timeline shifting
- Shamanic journeys
- Trauma realease
- Yoga
- dance parties
- High vibrational food
Free Bonus 3
Abundance Alchemy the divine art of letting glow
6 month programme recorded Jan- Jun 2020
Gratitude for what you are - Abundance
Gratitude for what you experience - State of Being
Gratitude for what you have - Physical and non physical
Space - Clearing Space for the divine to fill with blessings
Place - Opening your heart as a place to receive
Grace - Surrender to grace for how, when, where and who
Let Go
Drop the need to try, create or attract - Offer all to the divine
Stop! Drop into your heart, and listen - Surrender to divine inspiration
Drop expectations, outcomes and comparisons - Let go to the perfect plan
Let Glow
Follow Inspiration, intuition, demonstration
Interaction, generation, circulation
Celebrate, signs, symbols and synchronicity - anunDANCE
Free Bonus 4
The Self Help Detox Course
The Self Help Detox is based on the universal truth that you are whole perfect and healed right now. There is nothing you need to fix, change or heal.
You do not need to HEAL, you need to REVEAL the truth inside you. Regardless of how your life looks now you can remember this and your reason for being here.
- 6 week video course guiding you from the Small Self to the True Self
- The End of Self Help / Personal Development / Spiritual Seeking
- Discover the truth of your own Divinity and perfection
- Deep universal truths presented in a simple, practical and fun manner
- Recorded Q&A For Inspiration
- Channeled guidance
- Practical exercises and techniques
Free Bonus 5
Activate Your Life Transformational Video Course
In this course I have included and shared all the key elements that led and continue to open in my life transformation. This allowed me to come from a life of drink, drugs and depression to a place of breath bliss and balance.
- 30 day Video course with activate your life practices to watch and practice anytime from home. 1 new practice every three days.
- 15 Video Lessons
- Text instructions & Worksheets
- Short Daily techniques to easily integrate into a busy lifestyle
- Breath techniques beginner & advanced
- Self Love
- Gratitude
- Giving
- Movement
- Knowledge
- Wisdom
- Challenge
- Silence
- Celebration!
Free Bonus 6
Breathwork Breakthrough video and MP3 Audios
- Activate Breath Mini Practice 10 mins
- Super charge your energy - Movement & breath activation
- Activate Breathwork Manifestation Breathwork video and audio
- Activate Breathwork Forgiveness Practice
Free Bonus 7
Forgiveness, Shadow Work and Life Blueprint Masterclasses
These three workshops, were recorded live, with simple practical application to help you uncover and overcome the Biggest Blocks to your transformation. They supplement and deepen the main programme.
- Forgiveness video Workshop
- Shadow work Video workshop
- Life Lessons video workshop- Find the gifts in your life story
- Three simple practical Guided Practices to start today
- All workshops were recorded Live with questions and answers for inspiration
- Video and Audio Versions
What Initiates are saying
Dale - CEO
I was literally at the cross roads of my career and filled with fear of making the wrong decision
Martin guided me through to a new dimension of NOT decision making but ALLOWING my path to open up for me. Whilst experiencing the session with Martin, an e-mail arrived (on a Sunday) that would change the future direction of my work bring with it an abundance of new opportunities and infinite possibilities!
Jania - Author
There are no words to express what has been felt
This has been a powerful experience for me, thank you Martin! There are no words to express what has been felt and transmitted and the transformation will continue to be felt for a long time!
Leni - Musician
This is the greatest reading I’ve ever had
When Martin speaks to you it is a direct knowing.
A powerful stream of wisdom that is pure truth and you know innately, that you have a profound connection to a being who is tapping into source energy. This is the greatest reading I’ve ever had. If you’re seeking solace or for solutions, this is the WAY.At A Glance
Everything you will recieve
Higher Self Innerversity
Mastery, Embodiment, Innerstanding
Unity in Community
FREE New Earth Mystery School
Launch YOU Today
FREE Abundance Alchemy
Letting GLow
FREE The Self Help Detox Course
You Are Whole Now
FREE Activate Your Life video Course
Activations for a busy life
FREE Breathwork Audio & Video
Breathwork Breakthroughs
FREE 3 Powerful Masterclasses
Higher Self Stories
Here Nikki Gresham-Record
"New Earth mystery School, was Extraordinary"
Ineke Top
"Love and support beyond words"
Setara Dolores Piscador
"Co- Creating Miracles"
Bonnie Rose
"Always Held in love and self Empowerment"
Marie Sutcliffe
So much love, compassion and support
What Can you Expect to Experience as part of this community
Mastery Embodiment, Innerstanding
Body Mind & Soul Mastery
Embodiment of your divine vessel
Innerstanding through wisdom lived and given
Freedom to BE you true SELF
Find and connect your soul tribe, family in commUNITY
Live and share your purpose and mission
Have more clarity and allow true vision to move you
Renewed energy on all levels through youthing processes
Allow true inspiration and synchronicity to move your life
Support, mentorship, family and fun
Discover your true GLOW and shine in the world
Rise and shine as a New Earth human
Higher Self Innerversity
1Higher Self Innerversity - Soul Mastery Live
Mastery, Embodiment, Innerstanding
Value $7333.77
2Bonus 1- Free
Higher Self Inner CommUNITY
Safe supportive and inspirational community
Value $1777.69
3Bonus 2- Free
New Earth Mystery School 1,2 & Trinity
Value $Priceless
4Bonus 3- Free
Abundance Alchemy
Letting glow
Value $444.44
5Bonus 4- Free Self Help Detox Course
Mentorship and guidance to detoxify your Life
Value $222.22
6Bonus 5 - Free Activate Your Life Transformational Video Course
Self Study Video Course with Worksheets and audio
Value $111.11
7Bonus 6- Free
Breathwork Breakthrough Video & Audio Sessions
Breakthrough to new empowerment and energy within
Value $77.77
8Bonus 7- Free
3 Essential masterclasses
Forgiveness, Life Lessons & shadow work
Value $77.77
Total Value = $10044.77
Launch Price $666.66
Or two easy investments of $333.33
Enrolment closes 22nd July 2020
7 day full refund guarantee, no questions asked
Past Initiates of New Earth Mystery school, Lightworker Launchpad, Abundance Alchemy, or attended any Live events or private sessions
Existing members of Higher Self Inner CommUNITY
What others are saying
Ineke Top
My life has changed for the good- better-best
Sally Claridge
it that it turned my life around in ways I never expected but which were sorely needed
Marie Stucliffe
Martin McNicholl is an incredible light to this world. He is such a gentle but powerful channel from breathwork sessions to coaching sessions and everything else in between
Shawn Knight
This man is one of the most Loving energies I have been blessed to know. Through his work in less then 3 month has created bushels of Lightworkers that will change the world in day to come. Love him